One Pot Green Curry with Chicken

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken

The classic Thai Green Curry is a worldwide favorite dish all around the world. A beautifully spiced sauce, thickened with Heavy Cream and finished with delicious vegetables. It’s a warming, comforting dish that is packed full of flavor. Our One Pot Green Curry version of this amazing dish will have you chowing down on this meal in absolutely no time at all. Like most one pot dishes, it’s all about throwing a bunch of ingredients into the frying pan, cooking it for a bit, then eating! So, let’s dive in

Any Proteins work great in a One Pot Green Curry Recipe. For this recipe we’re opting for Chicken

This is one of the great elements of Curries. They aren’t picky about the type of protein that you include in them. The flavor is all in the sauce, so the protein can vary, and the overall flavor of the dish doesn’t vary too much. Some favorite Proteins to use in a Thai Green Curry are typically Chicken, Been, Pork, Prawns, or Tofu for the Vegetarians

For our dish we’re opting for Chicken, the most popular and widely consumed protein in the world. We love Chicken. It’s cheap, tasty, absorbs flavors brilliantly well, and it is so easy to cook. We’re using Chicken Thighs in this recipe. Primarily because Chicken Thighs are a lot more forgiving during the cooking process. They tend to not dry out as much as Chicken Breast, and they have more flavor

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken in bowl side view
Chicken is a great protein to have with a Green Curry, however you can add whatever protein you like to this recipe

This recipe requires the Chicken to bathe in the Sauce for 10 minutes to cook, so a more resilient cut like Thigh works best for this cooking method

There’s one thing that Thai food isn’t lacking, and that’s flavor!

There are so many amazing ingredients in Thai Food, and our One Pot Green Curry makes no exceptions. Thai food has some phenomenal ingredients that are on the spectrum of flavors in their respective categories. From the Sweet category you’ve got Palm Sugar and Coconut Cream, both ingredients just ooze sweetness and richness. They’re amply used in this curry!

From a sour perspective, we’re bringing it with the Limes in this dish. The classic combination of Sweet and Sour is not lost in Thai cuisine as the contrasting flavors create such a unique profile in this curry

When it comes to spice, you know Thailand’s got you covered. The famous Thai Red Chilis are widely known as one of the hottest chilis in the world. If you’re bold, by all means put those in the curry! We’re opting for slightly less heat with this dish by using regular Red Chilis. Trust us though, it still brings the heat!

Funky = Flavor

Finally, and probably our favorite part of Thai cuisine is the funky flavor. It’s kind of hard to describe until you’ve tried these ingredients yourself. However, flavors that bring a funky, unique taste that makes you sit up and ask, “What the hell was that I just ate?” (in a good way of course!)

This One Pot Green Curry is loaded with delicious Funk, care of two amazing ingredients. The first is Shrimp Paste, which is a prominent ingredient in Curry Paste. This is essentially Krill (which are those tiny Shrimp that Wales love to eat) that is salted and left to ferment. Then it is dried and ground into a paste. It’s delicious

The second Funky flavor is Fish Sauce. A classic ingredient of Asian Cooking that is fermented Fish, typically Anchovies, which goes through a process to extract a simply wonderful liquid. It’s super pungent, however the flavors it brings to a dish are brilliant – funky, yet also sweet and sour. Simply amazing

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken top down
Thai food is synonymous with big flavors, and this fantastic One Pot Green Curry with Chicken recipe is no exception!

Don’t be shy with the Limes and Fish Sauce, they make this dish special!

Sometimes these ingredients can be a little bit intimidating. 3 Limes seems like a lot, and the addition of Fish Sauce to any dish can cause some eyebrows to be raised. Trust us with both ingredients – as they truly make the dish spectacular

The 3 Limes is critical for this recipe to truly shine. There is a lot of richness in the dish with Coconut Cream and Palm Sugar. You need an ample amount of acid to balance out the dish, which is exactly what the limes bring to the table

If you are hesitant to add the 3 limes, try adding 1 and tasting it just before serving. If it’s still a bit sweet, add another one, and go from there. Another good solution is to serve some lime wedges on a side plate along with dinner, so each diner can adjust their acid levels to their preferred tastes

With Fish Sauce. Please, just try it. I know it smells weird, but that smell disappears once it’s cooked and what you’re left with is a beautiful funky, sweet, and sour flavor. The quantities in this dish are far less than what some recipes in Southeast Asia call for, so we’re being quite moderate

 Fish Sauce is one of those ingredients that is the essence of Asian cooking, so without it the dish will fall a bit flat. Trust us on this, adding the Fish Sauce brings out a superb flavor and elevates all the ingredients in the dish!

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken in bowl chili
Adding the vegetables just a few minutes before serving keeps them beautiful and crisp, yep perfectly cooked

Cook the vegetables for a minimal amount of time in the One Pot Green Curry to maintain their beautiful texture

This is a technique we’ve learnt over the years of cooking vegetables in a frying pan. They don’t take long at all to cook! The best vegetables are still a little bit crispy and crunchy. Their flavor is still intact and not boiled out of them, which can happen if you cook vegetables for too long

The Snap Peas will be beautiful and crunchy. The Bell Pepper will have a lovely bite to them. Finally, the Cherry Tomatoes will be intact, and have a beautiful ‘burst’ when you bite into them!

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken

Course: DinnerCuisine: ThaiDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time




  • 1.5 lbs. Chicken Thighs, cut into bite sized pieces

  • 2 tbsp. Green Curry Paste

  • 500ml / 16 fl. oz. Coconut Cream

  • 1 tsp. Ginger, grated

  • 4 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped

  • 1 Red Onion, diced

  • 1 cup Snap Peas, storks removed

  • 1 cup Cherry Tomatoes

  • ½ Red Bell Pepper, diced

  • Juice of 3 Limes

  • 2 tbsp. Fish Sauce

  • 1 tbsp. Palm Sugar (use Brown Sugar as an alternative)

  • 1 tbsp. Peanuts, chopped

  • ½ cup Cilantro, chopped

  • 1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

  • Salt


  • Place the Vegetable Oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the Red Onion, 1 tsp. of Salt and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the Ginger, Chili, and Garlic and cook for 1 more minute until fragrant
  • Add the Curry Paste and cook for 1 minute, stirring consistently. Add the Chicken Pieces, increase the heat to medium high and cook for 2 minutes
  • Pour in the Coconut Cream and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring consistently to evenly mix the Curry Paste into the Cream. Once boiling, return the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes
  • Add the Snap Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, Bell Pepper, and Palm Sugar and cook for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat, then add Fish Sauce and Lime Juice. Taste the sauce for seasoning and adjust if necessary
  • Finish with a sprinkling of chopped Peanuts and fresh Cilantro. Serve immediately with a bowl of freshly cooked Jasmine Rice, or with a few slices of Roti Bread to mop up all that delicious sauce


  • An optional step is to Pan Fry one piece of Chicken (whole) before you begin the curry. Set aside and when it’s time to serve, slice the Chicken and place on top of the individual bowls. It’s just a nice way to serve the dish!

We hope you’ve enjoyed making our fun and tasty One Pot Green Curry recipe. For more beautiful one pot dishes using the humble Frying Pan, check out our recipes here

One Pot Green Curry with Chicken sliced chicken
To get super fancy, pan fry one piece of Chicken whole and plate it on top of your One Pot Green Curry before serving for a lovely visual effect

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