Cast Iron Pan Pizza

Cast Iron Pan Pizza

Homemade Pizza is such a treat isn’t it? Perfect for a Friday night in with the family. Everyone loves a great homemade Pizza and the good news: This Cast Iron pan Pizza not only tastes phenomenal, it is so simple to make

Simply make the dough, wait a bit (ok maybe you’ll need to wait a bit longer..), put the dough, sauce and your favorite toppings in the pan, cook it up and it’s done! This recipe couldn’t be simpler! So forego the desire to buy that pre-made Pizza dough from the grocery store and make your own with this lovely recipe

Your dough needs to rest overnight to get that beautiful, aerated texture

For this Cast Iron Pan Pizza, like any Pizza really, the key is in the dough. Honestly in our opinion, all Pizza tastes great. But what separated good Pizza from truly amazing Pizza is all in the dough

There are masterclasses taught across the world on how to perfect Pizza dough. We think our recipe comes pretty darn close to being the best Pizza dough you can make

Like most things in life, simplicity is the key. This is no exception when it comes to making great Pizza dough. You only need very few ingredients of Flour, Yeast, Water, Sugar, and Salt to make the best Pizza Dough

Cast Iron Pan Pizza dough resting
Once you’ve rested your dough for the Cast Iron Pan Pizza, shape it and place it in the Cast Iron for 1 hour. It’ll expand and settle into the Pan beautifully

The key however is patience. Once you have mixed the dough ingredients together (preferably with a stand mixer if you have it, otherwise you can hand knead), the Dough needs to rest, covered, overnight.

Resting any bread allows the gluten to form and expand. This process enables the bread to rise as the dough starts to be filled with air pockets. These air pockets are critical to a great Pizza dough as it allows for a lighter, much crispier dough when cooked

For a super crispy crust, try pre-heating your Cast Iron Pan before adding the dough

This is an optional step, however if you have a little more time we highly recommend pre-heating the Cast Iron before adding the dough. Cast Iron Pans are a phenomenal cooking tool, as they conduct heat better than any other cooking device

They do take a little while to heat up though. So, by adding and shaping your Pizza dough in a hot Cast Iron Pan it will speed up the cooking process before you add your toppings. You’ll find that by the time the Pizza is fully cooked, the dough will be unbelievably crusty and delicious

This is an optional step – can absolutely place your Cast Iron into the oven cold. Both methods will yield a great result. However, if you’re looking for a super crunchy dough, try pre heating your Cast Iron Pan Pizza before it goes into the oven

Cast Iron Pan Pizza Close up
This simple sauce is so perfect with this Pizza. Keep the ingredients simple and all the flavors will sing together!

A simple Sauce with good ingredients makes the perfect Pizza

Good quality ingredients are the key to make the perfect Cast Iron Pan Pizza. Second to the dough, the Sauce is what really makes the Pizza. It’s what give the Pizza it’s personality

When it comes to Tomato Sauce there is only one choice, and that is using canned tomatoes from the San Marzano region in Italy. Renowned worldwide as the best Tomatoes in the world for making pizza. The good news, due to their massive popularity they are available in grocery store across the world

To make this delicious Pizza Sauce, combine the San Marzano Tomatoes along with a generous amount of Garlic, Salt, and finish with a drizzle of Olive Oil. No need to cook anything, simply combine the ingredients and mix until it’s a sauce-like consistency

It doesn’t matter if you have bought whole Tomatoes, you can simply crush them up to form a sauce in the mixing bowl. It is important however to used canned tomatoes and not fresh Tomatoes. Canned Tomatoes have so much more concentrated flavor, which is perfect for a Pizza Sauce

Cast Iron Pan Pizza side view
The perfect Pan Pizza awaits with this amazing recipe. Try it yourself!

Mozzarella or Burrata Cheese on Pizza?

So, Mozzarella and Burrata are basically both kinds of Mozzarella. Deconstructing the different types of Mozzarella is quite the experience, however, to keep it simple this is our basic summary

Mozzarella – Consistency of the Cheese is the same throughout the piece of Mozzarella. This typically comes in a large, rectangular type of ball which can be sliced and easily served

Burrata – Typically is bought in a tub of brine to keep it moist. The outside of the Burrata Cheese is like Mozzarella, but when you break into it becomes almost liquid like. The inside of the Burrata cheese is called ‘Stracciatella’

Both Cheese are great options for this Pizza, so don’t fuss too much about which one you’ve got in your grocery store. We’ve opted for the Burrata Cheese for this recipe because the consistency is just lovely on Pizza. However, both are awesome choices

We have kept the pieces of Cheese in large chunks when creating this Pizza. Simply tear off a piece of cheese and place it on the Pizza. Another option is to grate the Cheese and sprinkle the grated cheese over the top. We would only recommend doing this if you’re using the traditional Mozzarella Ball

Don’t try grating Burrata Cheese or it’ll end up a mess on your chopping board!

Toppings always make the pizza personalized and special

Toppings are such a fun part of Pizza making aren’t they? You can create such fun, personalized tastes and truly experiment with flavor. If you aren’t particularly sure about what toppings you want, you can try different variations on different parts of the Pizza! Honestly, Pizzas much be one of the most customizable foods in the world because of this! The good news too is, no matter what toppings you’ll put on the Pizza, it is going to taste good. Because it’s Pizza!

Cast Iron Pan Pizza slice
This recipe is for a simple Margarita Cast Iron Pan Pizza. You can add whatever additional toppings you like to personalize the Pizza to your tastes. It’s also simply delicious as it is too!

For this recipe we’ve kept the toppings minimal, and sticking to a classic Margarita Pizza – which consists of a delicious Tomato Sauce, Cheese, and finished with fresh Basil. By itself the Margarita Pizza is an absolute classic, and what they make in the home of pizza, Napoli

You can add whatever additional ingredients you like to this Pizza recipe. Simply put your toppings on after the sauce, but before you add the Mozzarella Cheese. Here are a few of our favorite toppings we’d recommend giving a try


An absolute classic addition to a pizza. The staple Pizza topping that you’ll find in Pizzerias across the US. Beautiful salty, cured meat which adds an unbelievable flavor of spice to the Pizza. Well worth it!

Cooked Chicken

Chicken is a great alternative to Pepperoni on a Pizza. Chicken is a great host for flavor, so pre-cook your chicken with your favorite spices or sauces and that flavor will transfer beautifully to the Pizza. Chicken and BBQ sauce is an amazing combination we would totally recommend

Red Onions

Thinly sliced Red Onion is an amazing ingredient to add to your Pizza. Once cooked the Onions natural sweetness will come through and they taste great. The Onions will slightly char when cooked at a high temperature, leaving a lovely texture and flavor

Now for the controversial toppings


It would be weird for a food blog to not like an ingredient wouldn’t it? That’s why we’re here advocating for the almighty pineapple on Pizza! Delicious, sweet, and refreshing. Pineapple is great on Pizza; we absolutely love it!


We are shocked when hearing that Anchovies are a controversial choice for Pizza toppings. These beautiful, cured fishes add a beautiful salty, savory flavor profile which is magical on Pizza. White Anchovies are our preference, but both work amazingly well

So why not try experimenting with some of your favorite toppings? Let us know in the comments below or on our Pinterest and Instagram pages what your favorite toppings on a Pizza are

Cast Iron Pan Pizza

Course: DinnerCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Note: The Pizza dough will need to be prepared the day before and rested overnight in the refrigerator


  • 625g All-Purpose Flour

  • 2 tsp. Yeast

  • 1 ¾ cups of Warm Water

  • 1 tsp. Sugar

  • 1 tsp. Salt

  • 3 tbsp. Olive Oil

  • Ingredients for the Sauce and Toppings:

  • 14 oz. Canned Tomatoes (San Marzano if possible)

  • 4 Garlic Cloves, peeled and finely sliced

  • 1 tsp. Olive Oil

  • 2 tsp. Salt

  • 8 Basil Leaves (per pizza)

  • 4 oz. Burrata Mozzarella Ball


  • Combine the Yeast, Sugar, and Water into a mixing bowl and mix well. Leave for 5 minutes for the yeast to bloom. (click here for a great video on how to bloom Yeast)
  • Add the Flour, Salt, and 2 tbsp. Olive Oil, then place the mixture into your Stand Mixer with the hook attachment
  • Mix on low to combine the ingredients, then increase the speed to medium and mix for 5 minutes until the dough is relatively firm and not too sticky
  • Add 1 tbsp. of Olive Oil into a large bowl then place the dough into the Bowl. Coat the dough well with Olive Oil, then cover with cling film and place in the fridge overnight to proof
  • When you are ready to make the Pizza, remove the dough from the fridge and let stand for 1 hour to come to room temperature
  • Divide the dough into 3 equal portions then shape into balls and let rest for another hour, covered with cling wrap, either on the bench top or in the pans you plan to cook with
  • After resting, pound the dough flat and mold it so it covered the entirety of the base of the Cast Iron Pan. You want quite a thin crust, just ensure that the dough doesn’t tear
  • To make the Pizza Sauce, crush the tomatoes into a large mixing bowl until smooth. Add the Olive Oil, Garlic, and Salt and mix well to combine
  • Generously ladle the sauce over your Pizza, ensuring there is an ample coverage across the entire base of the pizza. Leave about a ½ inch gap at the edges of the dough. This recipe should produce enough sauce for 2 Pizzas
  • Break off small chunks of the Burrata Mozzarella and place them evenly across the Pizza. Don’t overload the Pizza with sauce, you want a surface area of at least 50% Sauce
  • Bake the Pizza in the oven which has been pre-heated to 475 degrees (250 Celsius) for 12 minutes
  • Once cooked, let the Pizza cool for a few minutes before removing from the Cast Iron Pan. Finish with the Basil Leaves and a drizzle of Olive Oil. Cut into slices and serve immediately


  • After you have added the Pizza Sauce you can add whatever additional toppings that you like. We’ve kept this recipe to a simple Margarita Pizza. Try adding Pepperoni, or some cooked Chicken for some alternate flavors!

We hope you enjoy this Cast Iron Pan Pizza Recipe. Check out more of our amazing Cast Iron Pan recipes here!

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